Immortality: The Human Delusion

Immortality: The Human Delusion

Dear Humans

Everyone I have met has always had a feeling to live forever, there is this vibe that can be sensed in all humans, we don’t want to be forgotten, we want people to remember our names, and we want monuments and images and entire places dedicated to us so we are remembered. But this is a delusion, we are going expire and this makes us mad so we find ways to keep our legacy going, building places for people to remember us by, things to make to glorify our names, it’s amazing the lengths we go to preserve our self, my self included, because we can’t seem to let go, nobody wants to be forgotten and nobody wants to die.

I propose a faint idea, what if it doesn’t matter, like have you figured out that what if they don’t remember you, so what, you lived a good life and did what you wanted and left, why would you want anyone to sit around thinking about you, why is there this need for us to be immortal when we know deep inside we are expiring daily. The opposite forces of this have troubled me my entire life, do I do things for people to remember me by, or shall I live and let live? Think about it, after you die, whose going to care, 30 days tops and it is all gone, people forget all the time, and we spend countless times impressing people for that small delusion, that sudden hit of importance and then it fades away to a back drop.

As the seasons change, as feelings evolve and more and the constant of change is constant, why do you want to live forever, The delusions are always the same and constant in the people I meet, it’s like it’s a human trait that just follows through like a shadow of the mind. A constant companion to not be forgotten and leave a legacy behind of some sort.

Hence I realised that if you are going to leave something behind why not leave your ideas, methods and experiences as a way to help those after you, the wisdom, the conclusions you attain, not be remembered but for those after you to be guided and to live prosperous lives after you.

why not leave value and knowledge instead of monuments, and buildings that will turn to ruin and end up as tourist attractions at best?


Afzal: The Grateful Wanderer



Photo by David Baker on Unsplash

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